Friday, April 18, 2014

More pin turning

Eloise had a check-up today with Dr. Paley.  Her tibia on the left leg has bowed outwards with the additional length (so it appears to be a backwards "c"). We were given a three week turning schedule today that will basically shift the lower half of her tibia around one of the rods in her leg creating more of an "s" shape which will straighten as she grows. 

Our next appointment is May 12th to check the status.  We are hopeful this will complete the pin turning - keep your fingers crossed!!  We will also check the buckle fracture on the right leg which should be healed by then.  If it has, we can schedule removal of the pins from the right ankle.  We are thinking an end of May departure date now.  

As always, she is in good spirits.  We hope you and your families have a Happy Easter.  Love to all!

Friday, April 11, 2014


Well, so much for all the good news that I have been posting!  Yesterday, I fell down the stairs carrying Eloise, and she fractured her right tibia!  She was put in a full leg cast and will probably need it for 3-4 weeks.  Luckily, the fracture / fall did not affect her left leg or her right ankle.  Our poor girl has been through so much so far!  But as always, she is back in good spirits.

She will have to get fitted for a shoe lift on her right side so this means we will not be able to leave Florida until the cast comes off.  We are guessing mid-May for a departure date now.  She is still scheduled to get the pins removed from her right leg on April 21st.

All in all, it's not too bad.  It could have been a lot worse!  As always, we appreciate the continued prayers.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Another encouraging appt today

We met with Dr. Paley today, and everything looks great!

Right leg:  Ankle looks great; pins are scheduled to come out on April 21st.  Once the pins come out (outpatient surgery) we will have to get Eloise fitted for a shoe lift and possible ankle brace.  Hoping this only takes a few days so we can get home!!

Left leg:  New bone growth looks excellent.  We are finished lengthening but she needs 1 week of strut tweaking to get everything in line for the bone consolidation phase.  We start tweaking today and have more x-rays next Monday.  Once tweaking is done, we can come home for the consolidation phase.  This usually lasts another 3-4 months.  She will not need an eight plate because the tweaking of the fixator will correct her knock-kneedness.

Looking like we are on track to leave the last week of April or first week of May. We are ready to get back and see everyone!!!  Thanks for all the prayers and support!